Nico's Weg Film Review

 Nico's Weg Film Review

 Hello people! How are you? Today, I watched film Nico's Weg. But what is it about? So, Nico's Weg is a film about Nico's life when he come to Germany. Apparently, this film goal is for studying Germany culture, language, etc. and learning the A1 level in Germany Language. But, what the film tell us about?


At the first scene, it show us that Nico just came to Germany and arrived at Köln Bonn Airport. Then, there is a little girl, Emma, who approach him and say about his bag is good. But, she being drag by her aunt, Lisa because she thought that Emma is not well-behaved towards stranger. But, they met again in the exit door and Nico left his bag in the sidewalk. By a chance, there is a man who want to ride the taxi and he brought luggage that is near Nico´s bag and the taxi driver put the bag in with the man luggage. Nico realized that he lost his bag within his passport, phone, and others. Because of that, Lisa want to help him to find his bag.

In the way to find his bag, Lisa stop at the gas station and meet Max, her friend. Max suggested them to contact the police and by a chance Lisa´s father is a policeman. After a little discussion, her father want to help Nico. After that, they go to Emma´s friend house, Charlotte, because Charlotte hold a birthday party. When Lisa escort Emma to Charlotte home, Nico heard news from radio about find-a-missing-bag-service then he called the number but because he`s not really fluent in Germany so Lisa the one who talked about it. Then after it, they go to Lisa`s and friends house. When they came, he met Lisa's friends Sebastian, Nina, and Nawin. Sebastian suggested him to post Yara's photo to the internet and they agreed into it. Not took a really long time, there is a comment that stated the adress of Yara's bycycle shop. So around the next day, they go to the place but it is a false information. So they have to go back. But, in the way to go to their places Lisa said that he can sleep around 2 days again because the heater is broken.

Several days later, Lisa asking for help to Nico for watching her niece because she need to substitute Manja, because she is sick. Then he agreed it and he taking care of Emma ''really well''. Another time skip, Nico went to restaurant ''Das Marek'' for waiting Lisa and he talked about many things there like job, the time for playing soccer, and about his due date for staying in Lisa's and friends house. Luckily, there is an old woman who heard their conversation and ask Nico to stay at her place. When he talked about that, Lisa's came and he immediately go again because she is had a meeting and interview. But, she forgot to bring her map. Then, Nico and Max catch her up and such a lucky thing that they can catch her up.

He went to the old woman house to stay, but for its replacement he help her in doing chores. But, because both of them cannot cook really good they came to ''Das Maker'' to eat. Such a coincidence, that he saw a picture of Yara and without his knowing actually Max had the key to the bycycle shop. Then, they visited the shop but there is no one in the shop. Then, they go shopping for eating. They bought bread, cucumber, and tomatoes. When they got home, they started to cook pizza. But once again because they're not a good cooker they went again to ''Das Maker''.

Skip from that scene, they show us the scene about Nico's bag. So, after the person arrived at the Zentrum, he just brought his luggage and leave Nico's bag. Then, there were homeless people who found the bag and took Nico's pullover because they want to survive in cold weather. After it, Selma found the bag while she was calling with Lisa. Then, she bring the bag with her and perchance she met with Nico and gave his bag to him then they go for shopping because Nico doesn't have something warm to wear. After it, he went back to his place and because he accidentally brought Selma purse so Selma came to his place to take her purse back then go home. 

Another time skip, Nico came to Yara's shop to find some information about her. But, there were just a little bit information that he could get so he quite dissapointed. Time skip again, it is the time they're playing soccer. In the middle of the game, the ball hit Nico's foot because of it he went to the doctor for checking up. After doing some checking up, he was being escort by Lisa to his place and she told him to drink his medicine and rest.

Around the last scene, there was a scene that show us about Selma who go back to Syria. On the other hands, Nico come to Yara's shop and saw some bycyle that is broken. He fixed it and it worked. Not took a long time, Yara come to the shop and met Nico.


So, this film telling us about Nico who came to Germany for meeting his aunt. But, after he arrived he lost his bag and he searched for it. While he is searching, he learned many Germany phrases, culture, etc. and something like how-to-survive-in-new-place. Beside that he met many people and be friended with them and they help him to find his bag. While he was searching for his bag, he always come to his aunt shop to see if she is there or not. Unluckily, she was not there. He came again to get some information but there were just a little bit information that he could get and he quite dissapointed. But there's a time when he came to the shop and he saw some bycyle that is broken. He fixed it and it worked. Couple seconds later, Yara come to the shop and met Nico.


In my opinion, I think this film is a really good film and of course it is educate us about Germany language, culture, or maybe the country itself, etc. The story line itself I think it is very realistic and it is really showing us the Germany culture. This film could be such an image or illustration about how we live in Germany. It is a very good educational film for the one who want to learn about Germany. For it rate, I'll give 8.6/10. Beside it, we can get a moral lesson from the film. It is being confident when you're learning foreign language. Its fine whether you're fluent or not, such a fast learner or not, but as long as you keep your confidence you'll be good.


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