My future?

    Many people out there certainly have a goal too reach. Eventhough, it's a small goal but goal is a goal, right? It is the same like me. I have a goal that I want to reach eventhough it's quiet impossible but I still want to try it.

    Actually, I want to study overseas. But, if I reflected from my score and my activity in school maybe I'm not elected for that still I want to try it. Quiet stubborn, but yes. Maybe if you wanted to ask like 'where I want to go? or maybe what is faculty or department that I want?' The answer is I still don't know about it. It's not like I don't have any passion but because I like many things too much that I want to succeeding all of them. I like astronomy, chemistry, psychology, interior design, language, art, and music. Untill right now, I still don't know what I should choose for my future. So, I just trying to succeeding all of them right now.

    Just like, I study hard for the chemistry eventhough its quiet tricky but I still study for it. For, astronomy I like to read that is related to it, like its formula or what is going on on that place or what its contain and many more. It's go the same with psychology, I read many things about psychology in my spare time and if I already read it I never stop because I like to observe people around me. So, basically it just my curiosity towards people but it did grown my urge to study. For interior design, actually it is because I like something that neat and have its aesthetic on its own and that's why I intrested in interior design. What I already done are I designing my own room, family room, and kitchen. For language I always learn it in my spare time. Like, I learn Germany around 3 hours then I learn Japanese for 3 hours again then I learn Korean for 3 hours or maybe other language that I want to learn. I don't feel any burdensome yet I feel really satisfied because I can learn and I can understand it. For art and music, I just like it but sometimes I learn something from it. If I could say it just for my relaxation so its just a second choice to me.

    Even though I like many things, everything give the good achievement. My chemistry score doesn't really go that bad, I can know what is going on in the sky out there but not that much but still I'm very happy with that, I can understand what people feels and what I feel too. It give me its own happiness yet strange feeling because knowing what people thought and feel just too cool. For interior design actually many people like my design and of course I'm very happy about that. Then, what I achieve from language learning are I can understand it and I can write in its language. The most happy thing is I can pronounce it and have a conversation in that language.

    But, eventhough I can succeeding all of them I still want to focused on one thing first and second come to second its the same like the third thing. But, what I can do right now just focusing on my goal to go overseas with my own effort.


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